Find useful information on where to eat in Shimla
as well as eating out in Shimla restaurants.
Shimla Restaurants
out in Shimla is not at all a problem, as the place has many small
restaurants and local shacks along with high-rise hotels. In Shimla,
most restaurants are located near The Mall. It is the most frequented
place that has not only good restaurants but also small coffee joints
like Café Coffee Day and Barista. You shouldn't really bother
about what to eat in Shimla as most restaurants have a variety of
cuisines to offer and you won't feel bored eating the same thing again
and again. Given here is a list of Shimla restaurants where you can have
a delicious and affordable meal.
- Alfa Restaurant (The Mall)
- Ashiana Goofa Restaurant (The Ridge)
- Baljees (The Mall)
- Cecil (The Oberoi)
- Devicos (The Mall)
- Embassy Restaurant (The Mall)
- Fascination Restaurant (The Mall)
- Himani Restaurant (The Mall)
- India Coffee House (The Mall)
- Lutyen's Room (Springfield)
- Nalini Restaurant (The Mall)
- Solitaire Restaurant (The Mall)